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Suturing Simulation Based on Complementarity Constraints

Proceedings of SCA 2009 (poster) - August 2009
Download the publication : PosterSCA09_abstract.pdf [1.4Mo]   PosterSCA09.pdf [6.1Mo]  

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  author       = "Gu\'ebert, Christophe and Duriez, Christian and Cotin, St\'ephane and Allard, J\'er\'emie and Grisoni, Laurent",
  title        = "Suturing Simulation Based on Complementarity Constraints",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of SCA 2009 (poster)",
  month        = aug,
  year         = "2009",
  url          = "http://codrt.fr/allardj/pub/2009/GDCAG09"
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