Current Affiliation: Research Scientist at INRIA in the ALCOVE team.
I am currently mainly interested in exploiting new highly parallel architectures such as GPUs in the context of interactive simulations for medical applications in particular. See my Research page for more information, or look in Publications and Videos for recent results.

Previous positions:
- In 2006-2007 I did a PostDoc in The Sim Group @ CIMIT/MGH, working on a new open-source medical simulation plateform: SOFA.
- I obtained a Ph.D. in 2005 at Laboratoire Informatique et Distribution with Bruno Raffin about high performance virtual reality using clusters.
Latest publications:

MICCAI 2011, Part 1, Toronto, Canada, LNCS 6891, pages 315–322 - September 2011
to appear
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition, NVIDIA/Elsevier - September 2011
to appear
SIGGRAPH 2011 Real Time Live!, Vancouver, Canada - August 2011
SIGGRAPH Talks, Vancouver, Canada - August 2011
Computers & Graphics 35, 2, pages 422–430 - April 2011
Special issue on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine