

video Using the OGRE 3D graphics engine to render a SOFA simulation. Note that the low framerate is due to the video capture overhead.
video GrImage : Markerless 3D Interactions (SIGGRAPH 2007 Emerging Technologies)
  • Date: January 2007
  • Format: DivX AVI (38 MB)
  • Related:
    doc J. Allard, C. Ménier, B. Raffin, E. Boyer, F. Faure: GrImage : Markerless 3D Interactions. SIGGRAPH 2007 - Emerging Technologies, August 7-9 2007, San Diego, California, USA.


video Simulated Angiography: Real-Time Physiology and Synthetic X-Ray Rendering (EVE Project).
  • Date: December 2006
  • Format: DivX AVI (6 MB)
  • Related:
    doc J. Rabinov, S. Cotin, J. Allard, J. Dequidt, J. Lenoir, V. Luboz, P. Neumann, X. Wu, S. Dawson: EVE: Computer Based Endovascular Training System for Neuroradiology. ASNR 45th Annual Meeting & NER Foundation Symposium, June 9-14 2007, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
video Generic coupling of heterogenous objects, using or not using dynamic implicit integration groups.
video Comparing simulations to real-world scanned object.


video Parallel Isosurface Extraction using VTK and FlowVR Render.
video Distributed Physical Based Simulation for Interactive Worlds.


video Real-time collision between virtual objects and the reconstructed user's body.
video Pottery carving using real-time full-body reconstruction.


video Net Juggler valley demo with interactive distributed fluid, grass, and cloth simulations.


video WestEnd: old real-time demo featuring motion blur, depth-of-field, particle effects, cloth simulation, stencil shadows, and a sci-fi western style!
  • Date: July 2001
  • Format: DivX AVI (37 MB)
  • Related: Look here for more information and the executable for Windows.


video Darkness: very old real-time demo (on a Pentium 90MHz!) featuring software triangle and voxel-based 3d renderers, old-school rotozoomer, 2d blobs particle effects, and full 8-bit paletted colors!
Last modification: August 01 2012.